Why do we need to invest in self-care right now? 

The act of self -care is the biggest form of self love that anybody can give. We all know the saying “you can't love anyone unless you love yourself” couldn't be more true, because the act of self love  is a sacrifice of love towards yourself. It's the desire to give back to ourselves to feel restored, invigorated, energized. A healthy balance of self care will help you regulate your stress levels, become  productive at work and it gives you the energy to pursue your passions. From a purely selfish standpoint, you're putting yourself first above the needs of others and it's time to learn exactly how it's done. 

1.) Manifesting journal

How many times did you have a journal as a kid? For me, my journal is my particular book that is in my bag everywhere I go. It's also a great way to put your thoughts and feelings on paper. You can write about anything from your day to day  goals or  past mistakes. Journaling is the best way to track your progress, write down  affirmations, and to receive confirmations on your habitual patterns. 

2. ) Disconnect with social media 

How many of you are always on social media 24/7? For me, it's become a habit, but whenever I have my self-care day, I try my best to limit my screen time to 1 hour on that day. I start by investing time  in my schedule dedicated to my  scrolling spree. 

3.) Time to get our body  right 

Gyal, we need to talk one on one. We need you to wake up and exercise , sis! For me getting my blood flow going is a great way to get your mood just right. You can take a walk with your dog, pull out a yoga mat and stretch, with a decent workout playlist on Spotify. Or have a good twerk break to get your spirits lifted and stress out of your system.  It won’t hurt anybody  sis!!  

4.) Watch what you consume

Since ms. Rona came,  What have you been drinking? For me 

I have been drinking immunitea from Joire. Joire spa is a black-owned day spa which I loved going to relax. When I found out they made tea, Hunny, I had to get my hands on this. It has helped me when I'm feeling under the weather. Like seriously, it completely went away right away. It also has impressive results, like it makes me feel calmer and more at ease. The best thing about this tea is it shows that antioxidants, many included in our immunitea, results in better overall health. 

5.)Write a letter to release stress

 Whenever I'm ​​ stressed out, I have to write down everything stressing me and then burn it. You would feel great and let the stress get away from you! Because we aren't taking any stress out in 2022.We don’t need that sis !!!

6. ) Meditate first thing in the morning  

Spend time with yourself as soon as you wake up. Did you know that if you meditate for 80 days straight you enhance certain areas of your brain and improve your memory by a significant amount? Well, now you know! Meditation not only calms down your mind but it also always helps you to spend some much-needed quality time with yourself to reset before or after your day.

7) Make your bed every morning write goals big things for the day 

Making your bed every day is the first step in accomplishing at least one thing off your to-do list. Make this habit especially on the days you feel like doing nothing. Next, write down the goals that you want to accomplish for the day as well to really start your day on the right note.


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