Saving Means Sacrifice, Just Not Your Self

For most people when you hear the word save you immediately think of sacrifice and ways to cut back. Often self-care is first. Though the societal standard of "hustle, hustle, hustle" may sound appealing in theory. But, when taken too literally and applied to every situation, this way of life can have serious implications on our health. Non Stop hustle leaves us with little time for rest and relaxation. Not allowing our minds and bodies time to recover from our daily routines can cause us to become stressed out and exhausted. Without proper nourishment and adequate sleep, our performance at both work, play, even relationships suffer tremendously.

Working too hard in order to save money without taking care of yourself can be a dangerous path. You may feel compelled to work longer hours, or take on additional tasks that put stress on your body and mind so you can sock away more cash for the future. In the long run, if you don't make time for self-care, rest and mental relaxation - while potentially finding ways of earning more from other sources - then you risk becoming burnt out, running low on energy, or worse. By learning to balance your working life with moments of leisure, recreation, and restful breaks from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, not only will you generate more money in the end but also maintain a healthy wellbeing. 

The Queens over at ABJ Collective know that many people sacrifice self-care because they don't have the money to do it. We get it, we really do and been there before. We’ve had to choose between buying every item off the grocery list and getting our hair styled. It's not an easy decision to make. ABJ wants you to know that it is possible to find ways to take care of yourself, even when money is tight. 

Self-care on a budget doesn't have to be complicated - far from it!

Start by setting realistic goals of what you want to achieve in terms of being kind to yourself. Here are a few ways to treat yourself to more self-care without breaking your budget! 

  • If you enjoy retail therapy, why not set yourself a small spending limit and look for discounted items online or in secondhand shops?

  • Try taking yourself for nature walks - get some exercise, appreciate your surroundings and revel in the fresh air, all for free! 

  • Unwind with an at-home spa night every now and again - bubble baths with candles and music are just some of the options available!

  • Put aside time each day to do something that you love without breaking the bank. All these activities can make self-care accessible without having to give up too much money. 

  • Something like drinking more water, getting 8 hours of sleep, and eating healthier meals - all these things are achievable without having to spend a lot. 

It's important to remember that moderation should be exercised when approaching any lifestyle choice; while having a good work ethic and saving is admirable, it's ultimately best if you make sure to take care of yourself and enjoy where you presently are along the way! 

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Self Care Diaries: Lola Faleti


Sis, It’s Time to Check On your strong friend